Humairah's Friends 1:02:00 PM Humairah meets friend during the Aqiqah event.Humairah and my cousin's daughter Syafi Amani 4 months.Humairah and mamasy & my husband's cousin azlin with syafi amani yg good girl!humairah still sleep...hehehubby with maya suraya yg sgt lasak & cute...hubby with Aqeel Arshaq yg bam bam...izna & jawa son.humairah with auntie aqilah...sleep will be ur turn my dear friend!maya suraya with her beloved mummy...farah...cute la u dressing camni. ala2 arabian gitu... Share This Story Share on Facebook Share on Twitter Pin this Post Tags: humairah Newer Post Older Post You Might Also Like Mama sayang kakakKedai Borong Mainan Jalan Raja LautCik Merah 5 Tahun 2 comments UnknownJanuary 24, 2011 at 2:49 PMhumairah tido je ea...aah lah cam style arabian lak pakai tudung camtuh...cantiks...ReplyDeleteRepliesReplyCik Puan FiaJanuary 25, 2011 at 11:59 AMcomeinya..please dont stop blogging sb fia follow u dari dulu,kini dan uReplyDeleteRepliesReplyAdd commentLoad more...
humairah tido je ea...aah lah cam style arabian lak pakai tudung camtuh...cantiks...
ReplyDeletecomeinya..please dont stop blogging sb fia follow u dari dulu,kini dan u