Wordless Wednesday : Pink vs Blue 2:46:00 PM @25 weeks pregnancy. Nervous nak tahu gender baby. Tapi dah beli kain bedung... Feeling excited :) Share This Story Share on Facebook Share on Twitter Pin this Post Tags: 2nd Pregnancy, Baby Stuff Newer Post Next Story → You Might Also Like Jom beli cadar baby ala-ala patchwo...35 week & Baby Stuff2nd Pregnancy : Baby Preparation 4 comments Han HanniOctober 30, 2013 at 2:58 PMKain biru comel..kain pink pun lawa..wah..eksaited nk tahu genderReplyDeleteRepliesReplyUnknownOctober 30, 2013 at 3:37 PMhappy pregnancy journey dear..happy family,blogwalking..jemput ke blog saya dan bertukar2 link..;)http://superstorevitaminhebat.blogspot.com/ReplyDeleteRepliesReplyRosmawani♥October 30, 2013 at 5:03 PMCpt yer dah nak masuk 7bulan... Bg boboi lah kak.., eh sesuka je kan... Asalkan sehat pun dh ckup :) ReplyDeleteRepliesReplysurihatiOctober 31, 2013 at 2:04 PMdug dag dug dag yer.. all the best.. :)ReplyDeleteRepliesReplyAdd commentLoad more...
Kain biru comel..kain pink pun lawa..wah..eksaited nk tahu gender
ReplyDeletehappy pregnancy journey dear..happy family,blogwalking..jemput ke blog saya dan bertukar2 link..;)
Cpt yer dah nak masuk 7bulan... Bg boboi lah kak.., eh sesuka je kan... Asalkan sehat pun dh ckup :)
ReplyDeletedug dag dug dag yer.. all the best.. :)